Top 10 books by Rick Joyner

Rick Joyner is a renowned author, known for his profound insights and thought-provoking writings. His books cover a wide range of topics including spirituality, leadership, and personal growth.
The Valley
In this thought-provoking prophetic allegory written in the genre of The Final Quest, author Rick Joyner takes you on a journey of learning how to defeat the enemy, both within and without. Trek through the Valley of the Shadow of Death with a band of bold Christians as they discover strategies to overcome enemy strongholds, defeat death, and set the captives free. Along the way, you’ll experience the joys of close fellowship while gleaning wisdom from Elijah, Enoch, and a very special dinner host—the Lord Himself.
The Second American Revolution/Civil War
Rick Joyner shares a prophetic dream from 2018 about a pivotal moment in America's future. He describes witnessing unfolding events leading to a national crisis and the eventual triumph over the forces oppressing the nation. Rick's vision offers a detailed roadmap to victory, highlighting the power of resilience and hope in overcoming adversity and restoring the nation's spirit.
The Final Quest Trilogy
What if a single revelation could change your destiny in a moment? In this riveting bestselling series, author Rick Joyner takes you on the supernatural journey that has captivated millions. This is more real than an allegory. The Final Quest Trilogy is a panoramic vision of the epic struggle between light and darkness, and your part in it. As the series unfolds, you can join in the great battle, encounter angels and demons, apostles and prophets, and the heavenly realm itself. This trilogy is about the greatest adventure, to serve the greatest King, and to stand for His truth with courage—a tale not for the timid, but for the bold.
There Were Two Trees in the Garden
There Were Two Trees in the Garden has remained a bestseller for more than twenty-five years. Discover the conflict as old as the Garden of Eden and represented by two trees: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. This classic book is a study of the fundamental difference between what these two trees represent—the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of God. Learn how the struggle that began so long ago affects your life today, and how you can stand for truth in the midst of darkness.
The Path
“The Lion that is inside of you is greater than any lion.” The Path is an inspiring prophetic allegory that will take you on a journey of rediscovering the love of the One inside of you. Written in the genre of The Final Quest trilogy, you’ll meet Elijah, the “Seekers,” and others while learning important truths about the nature of Jesus Christ and your relationship with Him.
The Christian Duty to Resist Tyranny
Since a major movement has arisen in our day that calls the Bible "hate speech," the battle lines are being drawn. We must have clarity on God's position as revealed in His Word to have a bold response. The truth articulated in the doctrine of lesser magistrates has done this for those who stood for God's truth the past five hundred years, and it will do so for us today.
The Torch and the Sword
The Torch and The Sword continues the message begun in The Final Quest and continued in The Call. It is a call to live the greatest adventure for the most noble purpose. It is not for the faint of heart, but for those who desire to live as true knights of the cross, refusing to retreat before the great darkness of our times. Stand with courage and resolution for truth, righteousness, and justice as messengers of the age to come! Be one of those whom Enoch prophesied would come with power in the last days and who are now awakening to their destiny.
Army of the Dawn
God has an army that will soon mobilize. Its weapons are not physical but spiritual, and this gathering will be the most powerful force on earth. This book is a call to be part of the greatest adventure and the most important cause there will ever be. Army of the Dawn is both a prophecy and a training manual. It is written to inform, inspire, and provide practical instruction for those who are called to follow the King and turn an upside down world right side up.
A Prophetic History: Expanded & Updated
A Prophetic History by Rick Joyner takes you on a journey of faith, obedience, and courage through the recounting of MorningStar’s founding and Rick Joyner’s personal journey in the prophetic. This expanded edition covers the early years of MorningStar and includes new stories of key prophetic moments that will inspire you to believe God for your own destiny.
Awakening : A Personal Sojourn
"This is the story of my early years. I wrote Awakening: A Personal Sojourn at the request of some of my children, and those who had heard the stories. This is the book I never intended or wanted to write, but as my books and messages have been distributed around the world, The Scripture says to “know those who labor among you” (see I Thessalonians 5:12). Those who have been influenced by me deserve to know this. It will explain a lot about who I am for good or bad." —Rick Joyner